Center For Integrative Bodywork

Stacey and Jack Dobek CMT




Stacey Dobek, CMT., I.M.T.,C. and Jack Dobek CMT., I.M.T.,C.  welcome you to our practice in downtown Middlebury, Vermont.


   In each of us dwells an ability to self-correct, to return to a balance appropriate and unique to ourselves. Ease and efficiency are our nature. It is our intention through the use of massage and specific “bodywork” modalities to assist clients in developing bodymind integration. Our approach, which we call Integrative Bodywork, uses evaluative techniques that allow the body to reveal where stress may be manifesting. We use a combination of tissue and system specific approaches as each tissue in the body has unique requirements for healing. This is a client-centered practice where we offer a creative and collaborative process for dissipating the effects of stress, promoting rapid healing of injury, and enhancing personal wellness.

   We are excited to share the current research about fascia which continues to inform and inspire our work. The application of bodywork assists the potential of healthy, dynamic fascia which influences the entire body. We are also updating our understanding of Persistant and Chronic Pain with Current Pain Science Education through the research and teaching from Lorimer Moseley. 

Most recent edition and easy to read for the general public: Fascial Fitness  by Robert Schleip. 

There's a great podcast called 'Thinking Practioner'. 

If you can handle some visuals of live human imaging of fascial layers the video Strolling Under the Skin with the pioneer fascial expert Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau offers explanations and descriptions of how this research was gathered and explains new models of living tissue.

Below are some of the Modalities Used in our practice;


*Integrative Manual Therapy

Myofascial Release

Therapeutic Massage

Muscle Energy/ Structural Alignment/ Postural Integration

 CranioSacral Therapy

Jones Strain-Counterstrain/ Positional Release

Advanced Strain Counterstrain

Life Impressions Bodywork

Manual Lymph Drainage

Body-Mind Centering




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